Supercharge your WMS with one click

Arka leverages AI to make sure you’re picking the right packaging at the right time

Why Choose Arka?

We’re packaging experts with over a decade in the packaging industry trusted by over 2,000 e-commerce brands and 3pls throughout the United States

Prevent Stockouts
& Loss of Sales

Low Stock Notifications automatically alert warehouse managers when stock levels fall below a certain threshold, allowing them to take action.

Optimize Selection to Reduce Shipping Costs

Optimize the use of space in shipping containers and reduce the number of boxes required for an order.

Automate Packaging Volumes

Analyzing data and identifying trends to help optimize restocking intervals and improve inventory management overall.

Full Packaging Catalog

Avoid running out and paying extra on future orders. Our API can map all your packaging so you can keep track of what comes and goes in and out of your warehouse.

One Click Integration

Arka directly integrates with your WMS, enabling warehouse workers to quickly and easily find the correct items for an order using a user-friendly interface

Get Lean

Connect with us to ensure you’re running a warehouse that only pays what it should- for shipping, packaging and replenishment.